Now that I'm 28, a wife and mother of a rabbit, things have changed. These days writing poetry is a lot more labored. I have to find time, inspiration and the editing process is much more involved. I'd like to think that my lack of writing has created some better quality work. I'd like to think that I treat my writing a little more tenderly.
Let's talk about younger Charish's writing. It. Was. Terrible. I was reading a lot of Anne Rice and Stephen King back then and that colored my poetry and the dialogue of my stories. Poetry was epically long and about handsome vampires wooing human girls. Sound fuckin' familiar? It's been done before, Stephanie Meyer!

Synopsis: A young girl with a rich archaeologist uncle is taken on a wild ride. As she searches for Egyptian treasure, she meets a handsome man and brings an evil pharaoh back from the dead.
Result: I had to immediately scrap the book once I saw The Mummy in theaters. It was a depressing moment to find out I'd written a Stephen Sommer film and didn't get paid for it.
Novel TWO: Gals on a Soundtrack (ugh)
Synopsis: Three high school BFFs, (narrated by aspiring writer, Mickey) drive a car cross-country after graduation. Hi-jinks, romance and life lessons ensue.
Result: It was rejected by 6 publishers. One publisher sited, "This needs a lot more development. Are you 16?" You'll notice that this also sounds like a movie from around that time.
Novel THREE: Accidentally Planned
Synopsis: Lucinda is a former wedding planner turned photographer, escaping the debacle of her last horribly planned wedding. When she finds out her twin brother is impulsively getting married and needs a planner, Lucinda is thrown for a loop (oy vey!). She meets a man though, he sweeps her off her feet and makes her believe that there's still a planner in her yet.
Result: It was definitely the longest of the three novels. That's all I can say about that.
Aww man, you could have been a millionaire right now with Novel One lol. But your time will come soon :-)